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100% Pure Black Sesame Cookies 100%纯黑芝麻饼

S$ 25.90 SGD

*Fragile Alert/易碎警告.*

*We truly apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please accept our sincere apologise/如若造成您的困扰我们很抱歉,在此献上我们最诚心的歉意.*

选用含量高居植物性食物之首-黑芝麻, 富含丰富的天然维生素E,是良好的抗氧化剂,适当的补充维生素E可以起到润肤养颜的作用。过年吃饼,除了分享优质口味的饼干,同时也分享了一份健康。

Rich in vitamin B, vitamin E and antioxidants, black sesame help fight oxidative stress and support immune system. This insanely delicious and healthy sesame biscuit will make you feel less guilty for indulging more.